Web Design & SEO: 10 Key Factors to Optimize for Top Rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO) is when you optimize your website to rank highly on search engines. Your aim should be to rank on the first page. Organic Google rankings are determined by an algorithm that factors in SEO metrics. 

What are Google ranking factors?
One of the types of Google ranking factors is the on-page ranking factor. It refers to the quality of content on your web page and the keywords it targets. On-page ranking factors have to do with everything on your website. Here are ten on-page ranking factors you should optimize

On-page ranking factors

Relevant & high-quality content
Content quality is an important Google ranking factor. It correlates with user engagement, publishing high-quality content, and nice expertise. For your content to be relevant, it should be:
- Trustworthy
- Readable
- Fresh
- Match the intent of the keyword

Proper keywords
You have to insert the keywords you want to rank for on specific places on your website. Include the keywords in the following places:
- H2 headings
- Title tag
- H1 title
- Meta description
- Naturally in the body

Image optimization
Image optimization is important for Google image search and regular search as well. Optimize images by doing the following:
- Compress and resize the images
- Assign alt text
- Add value
- Include keywords

Niche expertise
The quantity of your content is one factor determining your expertise in a niche. If you post high-quality content on your niche expertise, search engines will see you as a trusted source in that area.

Page-loading speed
Page speed is a vital ranking factor. If your website takes too long to load, you'll have a high bounce rate which reduces ranking. 

Backlinks are a vital part of the search ranking algorithm, and it is one of the ways the Google crawler finds your site. If your site has no backlinks, getting organic traffic won't be easy.

User experience
Google measures the user experience using signals such as Dwell time, bounce rate, and click-through rate.

Website structure
If you are launching your site, the website structure plays a vital role in your ranking factor. Your website architecture is necessary for indexing purposes. Having a sitemap is one way to improve your website structure.

Site Security
You need an SSL (Secure sockets layer ) certificate to keep your site secure. The SSL's cost depends on the security level you require and your hosting setup.

Google went mobile first in 2019, meaning your site has to be mobile-friendly. It uses your site's mobile version for ranking and indexing. Having a mobile-friendly site will increase your rankings. 

Once you apply the above on-page ranking factors, it will take about 6 to 12 months to see results. Contact Infoempire marketing agency for more information on services. We are experts in all matters IT.  Follow us on social media platforms for the latest news and updates in the IT world: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Tik Tok.